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Unanimous Approval for New Brighton regeneration of Montpellier Mansions


Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Evoke Architecture is proud to announce that our redevelopment of an existing apartment building in New Brighton has been granted unanimous planning approval at committee.

In recent years, urban development has become a key point of interest in many towns and cities, as communities evolve and strive to meet the demands of growing populations while preserving the character and essence of the area. One such example can be found in the heart of New Brighton, where our proposal to reconfigure and enhance an existing building has been approved unanimously by councillors on August 17th. This blog post delves into the details of the application, discussing its design, impact on the surroundings, and the considerations that shaped the decision-making process.

Montpellier Mansions sits on Montpellier Crescent in New Brighton. Built in 1835, it used to be the Albion Hotel and Pub which closed in the early 2000s and was later converted into 14 flats in 2006.

The application seeks to reconfigure the existing building to deliver 13 self-contained flats of varying sizes, ranging from one-bedroom to three-bedroom units. This reconfiguration involves a series of proposed extensions and alterations. One of the key design elements is the proposed change to the roof form, creating a contemporary addition to the existing buildings character, integrating modern materials and techniques while preserving the existing building's townscape value, with planning case officers describing the alterations as

"high-quality and represent and enhancement to the application site and surrounding street scene."

The development prioritises residential quality and improves upon the existing situation in terms of floorspace standards for apartments, bringing the proposed apartments in line with statutory guidance, officers were supportive of the design rationale and conclude the proposed accommodation to represent

"good quality accommodation in the context of the relevant policy framework and represents an improvement to the existing situation, in better reflecting the outlined statutory guidance."

The proposed transformation of this site in New Brighton exemplifies the delicate balance between respecting history and embracing progress. Through a well-considered design, thoughtful consideration of neighbourly impact, and a comprehensive approach to enhance the quality of residential living while respecting the character of the area.

Cllr Kathy Hodson said:

“I think it’s a very significant improved design. It’s nice to see the developers have decided to improve the existing building rather than demolish it.”


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